Our Core Values

IPC integrates four core competencies into what our customers tell us is a distinct competitive advantage:

Excellence -Electrical construction expertise: This is the business that IPC lives and breathes, and we are extremely good at it. IPC’s dedicated team of office professionals and state-certified electricians is empowered to take the actions necessary to deliver projects that run hard, smart, on time, and on budget.

Hard Work-We are committed to working hard for our customers. Our staff is trained to deliver a product that is not only done right but within the right amount of time. Our pay structure allows us to recruit skilled & motivated employees.

Knowledgeable– We are intrigued by the exciting possibilities that technology can create. We are committed to staying above the technology curve by attending conferences and training that highlight cutting-edge innovations.

Accountability-A collaborative approach to working with customers. IPC values the long-term relationships we have developed based on an interactive working style. We own the work we do. Many projects start with a customer’s simple or complex problem and finish with an IPC-tailored solution.